Making the
web more delightful


Rogue Pickings front page

Rogue Pickings Website

HTML & CSS from Photoshop Design Comp

Website mock-up for a fictional food-truck business. Coded from scratch using HTML and CSS to match a Photoshop design comp.

Jubilee Austen website

Jubilee Austen Website

HTML & CSS from Photoshop Design Comp

Sample personal website for a fictional web developer named Jubilee Austen. Coded from scratch using HTML and CSS to match a Photoshop design comp.

Awesomepants Website

Awesomepants Website

HTML & CSS from Photoshop Design Comp

Sample website for a fictional fashion brand called Awesomepants. Coded from scratch using HTML and CSS to match a Photoshop design comp.


Delightful Web Design is a one-woman enterprise run by Karen Zwier, who loves to delight her clients with custom websites that are hand-coded and designed to be responsive, buildable, and easily maintainable. To learn more about Karen, click here.


Free consultations


  Located in Des Moines, IA


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